- Title: The 155th Regular Session on Infrastructure Development and Planning-Net Zero and Sustainable Development
- Organizer: International Center for Land Policy Studies and Training
- Duration: 3 weeks, scheduled for September 1 through September 22, 2023
- Target Audience: 26-28 international and Taiwanese participants of medium and high level government officials or experts in the fields of urban and rural planning, infrastructure planning
- Objectives:
- Providing the participants with understanding of the most recent lessons learned in achieving goals for effective infrastructure development and planning.
- Giving the participants a deeper knowledge of infrastructure development, planning, investment and maintenance, institutions and governance; urbanization and rural public infrastructure, informal settlement upgrading, planning of transportation, housing issues and public utilities;
- Introducing the participants to the techniques of economically and institutionally analyzing infrastructure planning;
- Arming the participants with skills and perspectives in planning of transportation, housing and public utilities;
- Assisting participants with exploring models, policy development, implementation, and Taiwan experience regarding:
- Land Policy and Urban Development
- Public Finance and Investment
- Transportation Investment
June 6,2023