Organization & Mssion
The organizational structure is three-tiered, comprising the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee and the administrative office. | |
The Board of Directors is the Center’s guiding unit, which formulates general policies of the Center and approves its annual programs and budget. The Chair and Co-chair are appointed respectively by the COA of the Republic of China and the LILP, USA. The Board members are nominated by both sides. | |
The Executive Committee oversees curriculum development, supervises programs, and provides advice on the annual budget and is responsible for the selection of participants and faculty members. Currently it has seven members, with its Chair and Co-chair appointed respectively by the LILP and the COA. | |
The administrative office is headed by the Director, who formulates and presents the annual programs and the budget to the Board through the Executive Committee. In response to the tremendous staff downsizing and the current need for its operation, the administrative office was reorganized. In 2015, the original three divisions under the Director were integrated into two to execute and manage all the projects. They are the Training Division and the Administration Division. |